12 Things We Discovered About Gift Voucher Purchases with Vouchie

Vouchie had it’s first Christmas trading experience in December/January and we learnt a few things that told us a lot about Vouchie and why your business should be on it.

Let’s look at one business who took advantage of Vouchie to handle their voucher sales saving them time and expense. They sold 70 vouchers in the period from 15 December to 5 January at an average of around $155 per gift voucher.

We also noticed the following:

  1. People do buy gift vouchers as personal gifts for Christmas, they are often maligned as impersonal, but 78.5% of vouchers sold on Vouchie were for personal Christmas gifts.
  2. Businesses will buy multiple gift vouchers in one transaction, as staff thank you gifts, or Christmas gifts. 8.5% of vouchers sold on Vouchie were corporate related.
  3. People will buy multiple gift vouchers as personal gifts in one transaction.
  4. People will buy gift vouchers for occasions other than Christmas. Despite being Christmas trading, 11% of vouchers sold were not Christmas gifts.
  5. Vouchers were purchased for a business located in Newcastle from Canada, Adelaide, multiple Victorian locations, and regional NSW.
  6. People bought vouchers online despite the business being physically located in the same suburb.
  7. People used Vouchie to send the gift voucher direct to the recipients inbox.
  8. Maximum value purchased was $500, minimum was $50.
  9. People will buy Christmas gift vouchers right up into early January.
  10. The busiest day was 21 December, next was 24 December, Christmas Eve, which was a Sunday. Is your business trading on a Sunday and able to sell 15 Gift Vouchers?
  11. Businesses bought gift vouchers as prizes in Competitions.
  12. Trading hasn’t stopped, Vouchers are continuing to be purchased regularly for birthdays, engagement, and thank you presents.

The above observations confirmed what we envisaged as the potential of Vouchie for small businesses. It is a small start but you can agree that the potential is there for small business to increase their revenue at a low cost at any time from any place.

Christmas 2017 might be past, but we have a year full of Birthdays, Valentines Day, Easter, Mothers & Fathers Day, and of course, next Christmas and end of year celebrations, so click here to get started – its the right time.
