You pay a small processing fee of $3.95 on top of the voucher value of your choice. The Seller may elect to pass on the credit processing fee of 1.5%, in which case, this will also be added on depending on the seller.

Seller FAQs
Your business will receive 100% of the gift voucher value, minus the Stripe fee. (see terms for credit fee conditions)
After a customer has bought a gift voucher on Vouchie, it will be processed within seven days and the voucher value will be transferred to your bank account.
You will receive an email as soon as a voucher has been purchased. It will contain the voucher value and customer details and an identical copy of the voucher pdf.
Yes! Each gift voucher purchased from Vouchie will have a unique QR code on it. When scanned, it will take you to your dedicated vendor account, where you will be able to easily redeem that gift voucher.
Yes! You will be set up with a dedicated vendor account. When logged into this account, you will be able to see all the gift vouchers purchased for your business. You can browse to find the gift voucher and redeem it by a click of a button.
Alternatively, you can scan the QR code on the gift voucher and redeem the gift voucher this way.
Yes. Upon sign up, under the “Do you have an existing voucher graphic?” question, select “Yes” and you can upload your own design.
We can create a gift voucher graphic for you. Upon sign up, under the “Do you have an existing voucher graphic?” question, select “No” and Vouchie will get in contact with you to discuss creation of a voucher graphic.
The system generates a unique number set to each voucher purchased. You can enter this number into your POS as a sale or run a parallel system to record voucher details for staff to reconcile against.
If you currently use bar code gift cards, this system is probably not for you, again, we would recommend a parallel record keeping system.
A voucher sale is not actually a provision of a good or service, so therefore it doesn’t realise the GST until it is redeemed. The GST Vouchie pays is on the service it provides in the $3.95 fee it charges the purchaser.
An example, someone purchases a $100 voucher from Vouchie for a restaurant, they pay $100 for the voucher (BAS excluded), they pay the $3.95 fee (which includes GST). Vouchie gives the restaurant the $100 in full, the purchaser redeems the voucher on a GST inclusive bill after enjoying their meal at the restaurant.
More info: ATO GST & GIft Vouchers
On Voucher purchase, we (Vouchie), the business owners, and the recipient, all receive an exact copy of the voucher. Businesses should cross reference the Voucher ID, with their own record of the voucher details before redeeming at Point of Sale. Vouchie is not liable for any losses incurred by the business for redeeming a voucher that has had voucher details tampered with.
In order to prevent our businesses from losses from a voucher being purchased by a stolen credit card, Vouchie will contact the voucher purchaser when the amount is excessive or there are other suspicious indicators on the purchase. The purchaser will be contacted via the phone number and email address provided by the purchaser on voucher purchase.
Any suspicious voucher purchases over $100 will be alerted to the business owner with the voucher ID. The business should not redeem this voucher if presented at their point of sale. Vouchie will not pass on the funds taken on suspicious voucher purchasers until confirmed as legitimate with the purchaser.
The business owner is also encouraged to contact any purchaser of a voucher where they feel the purchase may be suspicious. Vouchie is not liable for any losses incurred by the business due to a voucher being purchased with a stolen credit card.
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