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Buyer FAQs
You pay a small processing fee of $3.95 on top of the voucher value of your choice. The Seller may elect to pass on the credit processing fee of 1.5%, in which case, this will also be added on depending on the seller.
As the purchaser, yes you will be emailed a copy of the gift voucher instantly with your receipt.
If you enter your own email address as the recipient to present the gift in person, you will receive the gift recipient email as well. This allows you to print the gift voucher and give at a later time.
If you enter your gift recipient’s email address on the order, they will receive the voucher instantly. So ensure you want them to receive the voucher on purchase and not at a later time.
You will need to complete the support form on the Contact Us page, and select “Lost Voucher” in the drop down menu. Vouchie will then get in touch with you to start the recovery process. This includes alerting the business to check whether it had been redeemed or to allow them to manage the redemption under their own terms and conditions.
Each business should have terms and conditions listed on their voucher page. If they do not, it is recommended you contact the business to enquire about any condition not presented either on the voucher or on the voucher page.
You can suggest a business by completing the support form on the Contact Us page, and select “Suggest a Business” in the drop down menu. Vouchie will then contact the business and get them on board!
Each voucher has a variety of fields that need to be completed by the purchaser when purchasing a gift voucher:
- To – The name of the person receiving the gift voucher. This name will appear on the gift voucher in the “To” field.
- From – The name of the person giving the gift voucher. This name will appear on the gift voucher in the “From” field.
- Recipient Email – The gift voucher will be sent to this email address. This email address will not appear on the gift voucher. You could enter the recipient’s email address, for them to receive the gift voucher instantly; or you could enter in your email address, to receive the gift voucher now and give to the recipient in person at a later date, eg. in 5 days time on their birthday.
- Message – A message from the sender to the recipient. For most gift vouchers, this message will appear on the gift voucher. For some businesses, they don’t display the message on their gift voucher. This is outlined via the sample gift voucher which appears on each business listing. In all cases, the message to the recipient will be included in the email the recipient receives with the gift voucher. Maximum of 200 characters.
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